Monday, June 4, 2007

Learning life lessons all over the place

Wow, it's really cold and wet here at night. The days are nice, though, and since I last wrote, we've spent some lovely days touring ruined abbeys, exploring seaside towns, eating fish and chips with malt vinegar, and walking ten miles along Hadrian's Wall. We've met lots of friendly locals who have guided us along the way and kept us in good company, well fed, and well supplied with sweet, milky hot tea. Right now we're in Glasgow, wandering around for a bit while waiting for a train to Ft. William for some highland flinging. I'll try to update in Edinburgh; we are changing our itinerary a bit, but that should be at the end of the week. Cheers!


Amy said...

Nothing better than sweet, milky hot tea. There's no other way to drink it. . . .unless it's with a nice scone and a lovely dollop of clotted cream. . .hmmmm. . .have one for me, okay? :)

cataphoresis said...

I remember sitting, freezing in the rain at Muifield (outside Glasgow) for the British Open back in 2002 thinking to myself that with weather like that, no wonder they drink so much. If you get a chance, you've got to hit the Scotch Whisky Heritage Museum in Edinburgh. Freaking hilarious. You ride around in a barrel! (If you want to feel better, it's 95 and muggy as all hell back in Tally)

cataphoresis said...

That's Muirfield. Doh!

robert said...

man i'm stoked about joining you guys ... i just got my train tickets (eurostar, eurail) and i'm hopped up on excitement!

glad to hear you're having your druthers on the island - Hadrian's wall! will email shortly for details on my share of your adventure